Online bill pay via patient portal with no log in required. Your patient account number is on your statement.
Click HERE to be directed to the bill pay link for the clinic.
Practice ID NVI-1.
If your bill is for Northwest Laser & Surgery Center facility charges, please click HERE.
Practice ID is NVI-2.
If you have a portal log in, you maybe also pay from your account within the portal HERE. If you would like a portal log in and do not have one, you may email HERE and we will send you a link for set up.
If you do not have your account number or portal access, you may pay via Instamed HERE
Too many options? Prefer to pay over the phone?
Call (425) 450-2020 and press option 2 to talk to the financial services team!
Please contact the office if the services you are requesting are not available online and for all emergent / acute care. Click HERE to schedule.
Comprehensive medical exams will be billed to your medical plan in the same way as any other medical specialist. Copays and deductibles will apply per your plan.
Comprehensive vision exams and contact lens exams will be billed to your vision plan if your healthcare provides vision coverage. These plans typically have restrictions on how often you may be seen. Please check with your vision care plan to ensure you are eligible.
If your provider orders any diagnostic testing, your exam will be billed medically.